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Cultivation / Re: Mushroom Questions
Last post by Curenado - July 17, 2024, 07:55:44 PM
Miss you Mr. Peele
You made an extrordinary contribution and opened mushrooming to many.
People are trying to collect and make available your stuff
Thank you friend and Godspeed
General topics / test
Last post by anno - March 03, 2024, 03:41:15 AM
PF - Tek / Re: When do you know to pick.
Last post by anno - May 14, 2023, 06:24:12 AM

You picked them at a right time, you could also pick them before the veil opens completely.
Younger mushrooms tend to be more potent.
PF - Tek / When do you know to pick.
Last post by S20vty - May 01, 2023, 01:21:31 PM
Hi Guys new to here, I previously had a grow all was good I read up when the mushroom drops its "Skirt" there ready to get picked.
However once dried it turned out they were duds. I didn't know if I had picked early or the only mistake I thought of was not shaking the syringe. I did have some bruising to give me the signs the good stuff had been there.

Any advice would be great.
Cultivation / What application has ozone as ...
Last post by Jessesun - September 22, 2021, 12:15:39 AM

Hope this post finds you well.

I am Jesse, a ozone technology and disinfection & sterilization application experts from China. As we know, ozone as a kind of green disinfectant, has been used for many aspects like the following edibile fungus cultivation

1. Culture material configuration;
2. Disinfection;(20-30mg/m3 for Inoculation room and culture room)
3. Selection and inoculation of high-quality strains;
4. Germinal culture;
5. Establishment of mushroom shed site and mushroom production;
6. Edible fungus harvesting and Ozone Preservation

By the post, I want to share some ozone technology and application for everybody to learn or for following up to further discuss. Let's start the topic with 1st question, why ozone concentration, 1ppm is 2.144mg/m3 in air, while 1.0g/m3 in water?

PF - Tek / Re: Newb after a suggestion ab...
Last post by anno - May 24, 2021, 09:59:01 PM
Sounds like you are doing everything right. Perhaps you got a strain which is difficult to get fruiting?
PF - Tek / Re: Mycelium keeps growing but...
Last post by anno - May 24, 2021, 09:56:56 PM
As long there is no contamination growing(green or black) I would simply give it some more time. Keep the humidity up and give it air exchange a few time s a day.
PF - Tek / Mycelium keeps growing but not...
Last post by Elbori81 - May 20, 2021, 07:41:00 AM
Hi everyone,

Well its been about a week since placed the colonized cakes into the fruiting chamber, but all that is happening is that the mycelium has kept growing and growing. Is tis normal? Does mycelium need to stop growing for the pins to begin popping out?
PF - Tek / Newb after a suggestion about ...
Last post by dubster - May 18, 2021, 01:38:07 AM
Hey guys

I've done quite a lot of reading and watching vids trying to get my first grow right.

Had full innoculation on my cakes after about 3 weeks.
Gave them an overnight dunk and then rolled in vermiculite.

Now into a fruiting chamber, lined with moistened kitchen towel, which is kept at 70 (with the lid on, if I take the lid off for constant breathing my heater will only keep it at about 63), which I open up, spray cakes, walls and lid and waft 3 times a day.
The box is kept just inside the doorway of a darkened room, but indirect sunlight can get to the side of the box.

Almost 3 weeks into fruiting now and no pinning happening.

So was after some suggestions as to what I might be missing.

I'm thinking maybe

1) a new heater is needed to keep it in the 70s with the lid partially opened.
2) an automatic vivarium mister type thing.

Anything else anyone can suggest I might be getting wrong?

Thanks so much everyone.
PF - Tek / Re: Welcome to the Forum!
Last post by anno - May 07, 2021, 11:19:17 AM
Welcome, sorry for the capital thing, but otherwise the spam bots are proliferating.