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Mushroom cultivation => PF - Tek => Topic started by: Dr.McNinja on July 29, 2009, 03:23:07 PM

Title: light question
Post by: Dr.McNinja on July 29, 2009, 03:23:07 PM
i don't get mych light through my windows really.  but i have 2 fluorescent light fixtures. one with a regular fluorescent bulb and one with a reptile uvb bulb that is a bit more more blue in color and puts out uvb rays as well.  which one would be better when the time comes? 
and would it be okay if i'm growing them in a 30 gal rubber maid and just cut a slit in the lid and sit the fixture over it?
i'm going to try to grow the mexicubes:) and yes, this is my first try :mellow:
Title: Re: light question
Post by: room408 on July 29, 2009, 03:37:33 PM
you want to use the blue spectrum bulb, others on here know the exact spectrum. look it up in past topics using the search engine on this site. i have 30 gal rubbermaid bins as well and i cut a square window on the top and caulked on plexiglass to close the opening. btw the shrooms dont grow from the light, the light only initiates pinning from what i have heard. others on here will know more
Title: Re: light question
Post by: MT on July 29, 2009, 05:58:56 PM
room408 is right. You need to have more than just a slit in the top of your FC. The plexiglass is an easy way to remedy your problem and is fairly inexpensive, you can even attach it using duct tape if need be.
Title: Re: light question
Post by: Dr.McNinja on July 30, 2009, 07:29:09 AM
i'm going to cut a 18x9 hole in the lid and pop in some plexi then.  should i still use the uvb bulb?  i've moved the container next to a low window and it gets a little ambient light from outside there.
Title: Re: light question
Post by: malabar on July 30, 2009, 07:58:24 AM
  The opening should provide as much illumination as possible.  Of course this depends on the dimensions of the "rubbermaid", thus the concept of it also being clear in color which will give another boost in the area of ambient light.
  The UV bulb is a winner.  I have a few snakes, and the wife a green thumb, so I have found the spectrum to be as close to perfect as the grow lamp fluorescent I also have.  And contrary to popular belief, the science of UV rays, are quite beneficial.  Just as the sun destroys and inhibits many contaminants and molds from thriving in the outdoors, this bulb may assist in suppressing,  Some  airborne contams.   
  Don't get lazy with that knowledge thinking you have a cure all, or that the bulb will be any substitute for cleanliness, or not following your sterility practices, or you will wake up to disaster.
  Last,... as for the low window, enough, but I would have been happy with a normal window set ( height ), just to avoid the possibility of being hit or exposed to direct sunlight when you aren't around.  And again, the shrooms are not like plants,....though they appreciate light, they do quite well with very little of it.  The light is mearly a trigger.
  I hope that gives you enough to work with.
    ~Malabar   :mellow:
Title: Re: light question
Post by: Dr.McNinja on July 30, 2009, 07:11:11 PM
should i sit the light fixture directly over the window in the lid?
Title: Re: light question
Post by: malabar on July 30, 2009, 07:31:51 PM
  This is where I ask you to start to either start becoming creative, use our imagination, or do a little research.  I can only give you but so much since I have no visual idea as to your growing area. 
  We both know that the unit will produce a bit of heat,. not much, but that is not the goal.  We also will actually be using this for a very limited time, if you have ample ambient light coming in through the window.  So, let's think about keeping the light(s) at least 4 - 6 ft away.  And eliminate the risk of heat
  If by over, you meant, hanging, rather than sitting on the fc, you are on the path to success. 
  This is one of the easy items, and if you have followed All of the posts, and challenges you friends here have encountered, you will be well prepared to conquer most anything.  You have a very knowledgeable network of friends and talent here,.....  Reach out, and they will answer.
   ~Malabar   :mellow:
Title: Re: light question
Post by: Dr.McNinja on July 31, 2009, 12:37:52 PM
ok so this is my set up (after making changes):
standard 30 gal rubbermaid (the rectangular one and not see thru)
9"X18" plexiglass window in the top of the rubbermaid
light source will be a combination of slight ambient room light and a reptile uvb light about 5-6ft over the top of the rubbermaid
100 watt aquarium heater
Tropic-Aire humidifier/air exchanger
dual output air pump

my cake will be in ball jars and kept in the water (at 80 degrees F) for incubation.  before fruiting i'll make a second lid that has a 9x18inch window in it. then for fruiting switching the lids, i'm taking out the heater and most of the water to drop the temp to 74Fand running the tropic air to get the humidity up.  and a reptile uvb flourescent bulb 5-6ft above the container.
sound like a nice cozy mushy home?
Title: Re: light question
Post by: dub504 on July 31, 2009, 01:43:43 PM
Will you be using hydroton or perlite in your FC?
Title: Re: light question
Post by: Dr.McNinja on July 31, 2009, 01:59:54 PM
Title: Re: light question
Post by: malabar on July 31, 2009, 02:13:54 PM
  All sounds just about on the money!  Take a look at the setup that Money Magic posted last night.  That is a very nice example.  But, yours sounds like you have everything in place to do your magic.
  Catch you after the weekend.  Out of town working Colorado,..... Be back next week.
    ~Malabar   :mellow:
Title: Re: light question
Post by: shroomzer on July 31, 2009, 02:32:09 PM
MT's got it right ...  exactly what I have done..plexi and duct tape!
Title: Re: light question
Post by: Dr.McNinja on July 31, 2009, 08:29:23 PM
thanks alot guys.  i'll be posting pics as soon as everything is set up