What to do when it's done..

Started by th3tr335, March 19, 2011, 03:10:14 PM

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I'm new so obviously curious... I am using this method and am curious as to what should be done once I harvest... More to the point, should I dry them out and if so how would I go about doing so? I really appreciate any and all help...


 I use dehydrator trays, but not my dehydrator. Usually takes several days.
After the fruits are completely dry, they are weighed and frozen.
As for the spent cakes... I chop em up and put em in the compost bin.



Put mine on a papertowel with a fan on em for a few days. Then into a bag with a jumbo dessicant pack in it. You want to makesure they a crispy dry.
Feel good before dying!!!!!
